Sunday, August 1, 2010

How to install Tata Photon+ (Huawei EC1261) on Linux Ubuntu 10

This article explains how to connect TATA Photon+ (Huawei EC1261) on Ubuntu 10.
PART-I :- Making Linux Ubuntu recognize the connected USB device as an "USB Modem"
instead of "USB Storage".
Step1 : Checking the required packages
The following packages required to be installed on Linux Ubuntu 10.
  • usb-modeswitch 1.2.2 and above (e.g. usb-modeswitch_1.1.3-1_i386.deb)
  • usb-modeswitch-data (e.g. usb-modeswitch-data_20100707-1_all.deb)
You can verify if these packages are installed or not by doing following steps 
i. Open "Terminal" 
(Go To top right corner of the screen. SELECT on "Applications" > "Accessories" > "Terminal")
ii. TYPE Command "sudo -s"
iii. Enter password of logged in user.
(This is a password of the first user that was created while installing Ubuntu.
This is not a password of root, this command will give the user root level rights for the time being).
iv. GO TO top most folder. 
(** TYPE "cd ../" PRESS ENTER, TYPE "ls" PRESS ENTER and observe the folder list.
You can see following folders if you are at parent most folder "bin" "dev" ... "boot" "etc"
repeat this till you reach the parent most folder)
v. TYPE "cd etc" PRESS enter, TYPE "ls"
vi. If you can see "usb_modeswitch.conf" and "usb_modeswitch.d" in the list then that means
your system already has required packages. In this case you may skip the Step2 and Step3,
but you may follow these steps to get latest version of already installed packages.  
Step2 : Downloading required packages
i. Download usb-modeswitch 1.1.2 or above. You can download this package from following location.
ii. Download usb-modeswitch-data. You can download this package from following location.

Step3 : Installing required packages
i. RIGHT CLICK on the package usb-modeswitch-data, SELECT "Open with GDebi Package Installer".
ii. If there is no error message then CLICK on "Install Package" button.
iii. RIGHT CLICK on the package usb-modeswitch, SELECT "Open with GDebi Package Installer".
vi. If there is an error regarding architecture
then DOWNLOAD different package and repeat above step again.
v. If there is no error message then CLICK on "Install Package" button.
vi. After this verify installation of these packages by following PART-I > Step1.
Step4 : Modifying usb-modeswitch file
i. OPEN Terminal again ("Applications" > "Accessories" > "Terminal")
ii. KEEP TATA Photon device connected, TYPE "lsusb" and you will get results like below.
Bus 003 Device 002: ID 12d1:140b Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
iii. If your device shows no. different than 140b then use that in below steps.
iv. GO TO "/etc/usb_modeswitch.d/12d1:1446" and edit it.
(GO TO parent most folder and then TYPE "CD /etc/usb_modeswitch.d/",
v. TYPE "gedit 12d1:1446", the file will get opened in text editor.)
vi. ADD "140b" to the "targetList=" and SAVE the file. 
PART-II :- Configuring Tata Photon+ as "Mobile Brodband" from Network Manager.
Step1 : GO TO "System" > "Preferences" > "Network Connections".
Step2 : CLICK on "Mobile Broadband" tab.
Step3 : CLICK on "ADD" button.
Step4 : Observe the device name below "Create a connection for this mobile broadband device".
"HUAyWEI TECHNOLOGIES HUAWEI Mobile" should already be selected in drop down.
If not SELECT it and CLICK on "FORWARD".
NOTE:- If this device does not shows here that means
your Ubuntu is still not treating this device as USB MODEM.
Step5 : SELECT country (e.g. India) from the list CLICK on "FORWARD".
Step6 : SELECT PROVIDER (e.g. Tata Indicom (Photon+)) from the list CLICK on "FORWARD".
Step7 : You will see "Your Device" and "Your Provider", CLICK "Apply" button.
Step8 : FILL following information under "Mobile Broadband" tab.
Number: #777
Username: internet
Password: internet
Optionally you can CHECK "Connect Automatically" option.
CLICK on "Apply" button
Step9 : TYPE first user password and CLICK on "Authenticate".
You will see "Tata Indicom (Photon+)" in Mobile Broadband connection list.

PART-III :- Starting "Mobile Broadband" Connection
Step1 : RIGHT CLICK on "Network Manager" icon on top-left corner of the screen.
Step2 : CHECK "Enable Mobile Broadband" option.
Step3 : Now CLICK on the same icon.
Step4 : CLICK on "Tata Indicom (photon+) connection1"

And THATS IT !!!!!!